Priscillas Mansion

The beautiful doll welcomes you into her home~

I am the glorious Priscilla~

IIt is fantastic to meet you all! I do hope u agree to being my loyal subjects my dearsAs I am currently sealed in this doll form my power is limited, but with your support I can surely regain my glorious splendor

Why am I doll you ask?

One of your foolish scientists "discovered" me during one of his expeditions seeking new discoveries. Upon realizing my incredible intelligence he desired to present me to his fellow scientists as a great invention of his. The arrogance!!
He did not appreciate my true beauty and sealed me in one of these dolls so I could fit in with his "civilized" society.

Where is this scientist now?

Shockingly he did not appreciate my dreams of grandeur that he had fueled with attempts to educate me. Every time we spoke of his countries Royal Family I could not get a clear answer on why they deserve to rule. I should not have voiced my thoughts that I should do much better. The fool became terrified that he would be executed for the crime of treason and sealed me away in a box!
Truly disgusting.
Luckily this box has now rotted away and I have emerged once again to this world that surely needs my guidance.